Harvest Dinners

It’s not easy on folks to spend 14 plus hours a day out in a field for harvest time.  We all get a bit tired and worn down as you can imagine.  So when the clock starts to creep closer to supper time, looking forward to home cooked meal out in the field just about makes it all worth it.  My mom has done harvest dinners for as long as I can remember.  I can still taste how good lasagna hits the spot after a long day of driving combine, or how I would get so excited just hearing that enchiladas (although hard to eat while driving) were on the menu.

So this year for harvest, as her summer was filling up with visitors and a get away or two, and mine was taken over by a small human, we decided to share the job.  So most days, one of us would hold and take care of Hoot man, while the other cooked and assembled anywhere from 5 to 8 meals to take out to the field.

IMG_1671We come by this job a little bit naturally however, my grandma has cooked quite a few meals in her day.  So I wanted to share with you a short poem that she wrote about this, enjoy!

by Arlene Hammond

“What’s for dinner?” he asks, as he walks past the sink.
He sits down with his book, and I start to think!
How many meals have I prepared for this great family of mine?
We are quite a group and there’s been lots of time.
There are 3 meals a day, 365 days a year.
That is more than a thousand – that’s for one person, you hear?
67 years we’ve been married – Uncle Sam fed you for two.
That makes over 65,000 meals and that’s only for you!
I like to eat too, as you can plainly see, so that is 130,000 meals if we’re including me.
That sounds pretty big, but we’re not through yet.
We had those four kids, how could I forget?
Nearly 20 years each of those kids stayed on…
So another 80,000 more meals before they were gone.
It is really quite mind boggling this sum I’ve deduced
210,000 meals me and my kitchen produced.
There is much talk about “Burnout” in the workplace today.
What would they think of what I have to say?
I heard “What’s for dinner?” Did that come from you?
If you will pardon me darling, I haven’t a clue!!!


Author: Nuttygrass

I'm a nut and grass farmer, EMT, Firefighter, and world traveler. I love a good laugh and a great adventure!

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