Photo Friday

Remember those pesky slugs who feasted on our grass seed crops all winter? Well as I was out spraying this past week I found quite a few areas that just never recovered. If you didn’t believe me that they did damage, here’s a few photos from this past week!



Here is a part of the field that didn’t get eaten down as bad, it’s looking much better!



On another note, looks like the pollen is flying! This is it stuck to my sprayer tires!



Better get out your grass allergy medicine if you live in the Willamette Valley!

Author: Nuttygrass

I'm a nut and grass farmer, EMT, Firefighter, and world traveler. I love a good laugh and a great adventure!

One thought on “Photo Friday”

  1. Ahhhhhh! Pollen! 😦 My nose is itchy just thinking about it. Sad for your field. I remember attempting to combine those areas….


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