Happy Labor Day

Good morning and Happy Labor Day!  I hope everyone is taking a break from their “real” jobs and enjoying some good weather, BBQ, and time with the fam.

We are doing just that over here, although a break from our “real” jobs means that we are just working at our own place and yet still farming, I don’t think we really ever get a true break from farming!  Matt’s been busy at our house, moving dirt, fine tuning some hillsides so we can plant them to grass.

2013-08-28_18-11-01_1382013-08-28_18-07-53_9632013-08-18_12-30-38_381I’ve been babysitting our irrigation (not much to fall rain here yet), trying to catch squirrels (key word here is trying…those are some tricky little buggars!)  Check out our bait choices so far….


2013-08-31_09-41-38_18They are eating well, those are hazelnut shells!

And I’ve also had some time to enjoy making delicious things like Lemon cake!


Overall it’s been a great weekend of working, so here’s Labor Day giving us more time to…well…work (good thing we love what we do!)


Author: Nuttygrass

I'm a nut and grass farmer, EMT, Firefighter, and world traveler. I love a good laugh and a great adventure!